Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Foster Fire Hall


This is a building that I used to fill in a spot. This building is scratch built and the measurments came form the Bawlf AB Fire Hall that is still standing. Bawlf is just east of Camrose. It was a relatively easy build that makes quite a nice looking building. There is no interior modeled because when standing at the original building from 30' away you could not see anything on the inside through the windows. This is very typical of all buildings if you look at them with no lights on in the inside. I plan to add a fire truck out side if I can find one for the 1950's. The tower on the building was used to hang wet fire hoses to dry them out after use so that they don't rot. This was needed because of the material that fire hoses were made from back then.

Here I have added the dirt up next to the foundation so it doesn't look like it is sitting on top of the ground. I have also added grass, static grass, a tree at the back and added a little gravel to the drive way. In my home town back in 1959 we still had old style phones and a telephone operator in town. This operator had the ability to make all the phones ring at once both in town and rurally. They would then make an announcement that there was a fire somewhere. They could also use it to make community announcements. It was a big loss when we went to the new exchange around 1967. 

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