These are updated from time to time, newest at the bottom
Here is a link to sector plates that was pointed out to me by Peter. I have 2 of these on my layout and they work great.
Here is a link to how to weather styrene to look like old wood, it is easy and works very well. This is the process I use
Here is a link for the Northern Rails operations event, we have bi-yearly event on even numbered years. Van Rails in BC takes place in odd numbered years.
Northern Rails
Here is a link to the Edmonton Model Railroad Association, what a great layout and a fantastic group of guys
Here is a link to my friend Norm's blog he has a great layout and is also in to operations. Norman is an ex CNR dispatcher and a great resource to have around.
Links to a couple of internet fast clocks that are free Widows Fast Clock by Wesley Steiner and an app called "Model Railway Fast Clock" for Android and is on Google Play which has a lot of promise.
This is a link to Scale Model Plans. If you don't mind scratch building but don't want to draw them out in AutoCad Tom has done the drawing for you. Scale Model Plans They are drawn and laid out well. They have lots of Canadian content. You get PDF's of the drawings so you just have to cut them out, glue them down and cut out your pieces. Similar to the process I describe in my post on building scratch models. Tom also has lots of good tutorials also on his site.
This is the link to Mark Schultzer's web page there are lots of good article's and clinics Mark has done around brass locomotive repair. He does amazing work and if you are doing anything with brass you need to have a look at this page.
Here is the link to the CNRHA Canadian National Railway Historical Association
Here is a link to my decal guyWilliam owner of Precision Design Co Bill does amazing and is great to work with. They are not more expensive than any other decals but you get exactly what you want. I was able to decal a set of 15 open hoppers for my lime stone train in an afternoon becasue there is no piecing to together numbers and data.
Here is a link to Tony Thompson's blog Modeling The SP. He is an author of many articles in print, great modeler and has such fantastic information on his blog
Here is a link to sector plates that was pointed out to me by Peter. I have 2 of these on my layout and they work great.
Here is a link to how to weather styrene to look like old wood, it is easy and works very well. This is the process I use
Here is a link for the Northern Rails operations event, we have bi-yearly event on even numbered years. Van Rails in BC takes place in odd numbered years.
Northern Rails
Here is a link to the Edmonton Model Railroad Association, what a great layout and a fantastic group of guys
Here is a link to my friend Norm's blog he has a great layout and is also in to operations. Norman is an ex CNR dispatcher and a great resource to have around.
Links to a couple of internet fast clocks that are free Widows Fast Clock by Wesley Steiner and an app called "Model Railway Fast Clock" for Android and is on Google Play which has a lot of promise.
This is a link to Scale Model Plans. If you don't mind scratch building but don't want to draw them out in AutoCad Tom has done the drawing for you. Scale Model Plans They are drawn and laid out well. They have lots of Canadian content. You get PDF's of the drawings so you just have to cut them out, glue them down and cut out your pieces. Similar to the process I describe in my post on building scratch models. Tom also has lots of good tutorials also on his site.
This is the link to Mark Schultzer's web page there are lots of good article's and clinics Mark has done around brass locomotive repair. He does amazing work and if you are doing anything with brass you need to have a look at this page.
Here is a link to North Dakota State University that has lots of drawings mostly pre 1965 on buildings and other items in agriculture. North Dakota State University
Here is a link to the soldering iron I use. It is the best one I have ever had. It is British made but is available form Ngineering in the US, It is amazing such fine tip, heats up in 45s. I have soldered 0402 LED's with it Antex
Here is the link to Google News Papers. They have scaned just about all the news papers in North American with some going back to the 1800's it is an amazing place for research and just good reading
There is a search bar at the top so just type in "the edmonton journal" or "the leader post" this will get you started.
Link to the seamless textures that I use on my models. Sketchup texture club theyare free is you sign up. I then resize and join them to gether so I get an 8,5x11 page and print it. I then cut them and glues them on with a spray addheasive or with a kids glue stick.
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