About Me

I started modelling for real in 1995. I farmed at Abernethy Saskatchewan till I was 33. I then went back to school and became a Power Engineer and have worked in both large fertilizer and heavy oil plants.  I am currently retired. I live in Camrose Alberta with my wife Anita and have two grown children and two granddaughters.
This is my third layout, the rest had to be taken down before I got to scenery because we moved. I have always modelled HO. 
I am a member of the NMRA and I am currently the AP Chair for the PNR 6th Division. Have also held the position of Convention Coordinator for the 6th Div. 
I recieved my MMR #704 April 21 2022 😊, The certificates I completed are (dispatcher, electrical, civil, scenery, structures, volunteer, cars and author ). I also got my author in 2024. In 2017 I received my Golden Spike award and in 2016 I received the John Marlor award for best home layout during a DIV 6 meet. 
I run operations sessions and am fortunate to have two friends that were both dispatchers for CNR who can answer all my questions. I am a participant in the Northern Rails operations weekend in the Edmonton area http://www3.telus.net/public/ulvestad/NorthernRails, the Ops session at the  Edmonton EMRA and at friends places.
I have also had a membership for years with the CNRHA  Canadian National Railway Historical Association   http://www.cnrha.ca/ 
I am also fortunate to be surrounded my so many great layouts and modellers in the Camrose/Edmonton area.
I /we like to garden, golf, alpine ski, snowshoe, curl, pickleball, fish and boat at our place at the lake.
If you have questions or want more detail on any post you can leave a comment or email me dwburton1234@gmail.com

Modelling Activities
-airbrush all my own models and have done some custom work
-do all my own decaling with both wet and dry
-install all my own decoders in both plastic and brass engines
-molding and casting parts
-scratch build a lot of my models mostly with styrene and some wood
-good at 2D CAD and have laser cutter
-built kits in wood, plastic, brass and resin
-enjoy showing people how to model and answer their questions
-currently working on completing my scenery

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