Friday 26 February 2021

Farm Details Fuel tanks

 This is a 500 gal fuel tank I built out of styrene and a piece of tube. The paint job is better than it looks. I am zoomed in really tight so you can see the Gulf decal on the end. It is very delicate and only weighs <.00 oz. this is as low as my scale goes. I drew it out in Cad, printed it and used the drawing as a template to build the frame. There is intentionally no ladder as the fuel agent usually had their own. There would be a clear hose on the other end that showed how much was in the tank. I can remember when someone came to steal gas at about 05:00 and cut the nozzle off the end of the hose. My dad let the dog out and they took off. It was a few minutes before he went down there and gas was running full out the end of the hose!!!@@@??? In the end we lost 1/2 a tank of fuel. When I build another one I will just cut the frame out on the laser which will be much easier and stronger.

OK so I can't find my model but it looks just as good LOL
This is a 100 gal slip tank that I build back when I was first learning CAD. The pattern of the drawing was useful for cutting out the curved ends. I did some and filing and I then glued the ends to and .04 floor and then glued on .01 styrene to the finish it. The filler opening was then added.