Monday, 27 August 2018

It has been a year

Well that was an interesting year. I started this blog on Aug 17 2017. I was not  100% sure how it would go but with some help from my buddy Brian Small, (Tech Adviser) it has gone well. I have received 2500 page views from about 25 different countries although I am never sure how many of those are bots.  I gave up on the "follow me" button for the reasons I posted about so I have no followers per say -that I can see- and have never received any comments which is all good, but I have received personal comments from enough people who follow it and like it. Having said that I guess there are some likes and 68 followers from having it on Facebook.  Brian talked me into putting it on there and he updates the notifications whenever I post something. I also got a plug from the NMRA 6 Div and the cover in the Feb 2018 Highball which was really nice.

I was not sure how hard it would be to write on a regular basis as I am by no means a professional writer. I took some guidance from Tony Thompson's blog as far as length and set up go. So far it turns out  that I have lots of things to write about that I hope are of interest to others.   Those of you who follow my blog can tell I sort of take the summer off from trains. Summertime posts were not as regular but will start picking up speed again after September once I have put away the golf clubs, fishing rods, boat and finally close up at the lake. I will start curling and coaching and make time to go to the gym which eats up not as much of my time and get back to modeling. I did manage to start some posts in draft on rainy days out at the lake and as a result of that that I have 17 sitting in draft almost ready to go.

I did manage to get four of my NMRA  AP  awards completed in the last year.... Civil, Scenery, Electrical and Dispatcher AP's are all finished and I plan to finish Cars or Structures this winter.

If anyone has questions by all means email me

So from myself and my staff all the best in the coming year
Brian- Tech Support
Anita- Spell Check and Grammar...she is getting really good at train lingo
Doug-  Author

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